
3 ways to lose weight after holidays

You are trying to lose fat or get in better shape but you gained some weight in holidays. Now you feel bad about it and you are starting to eat healthier, drink less alcohol and workout more. If this is you, listen very carefully. If you feel like this is happening to...

Corsi estivi

Inizia il nuovo piano estivo, andiamo FUORI. C’è ancora abbastanza tempo per lavorare sulla tua figura da spiaggia! In estate, come sempre, l’OPEN PASS Con una registrazione puoi allenarti tutte le volte che vuoi durante la settimana.

Life without sugar

First 10 days are passed in my experiment without sugar. I must commit that first days were not easy, there came so many situations every day when you eat without thinking sugar. When you drink coffee and get some small chocolate or biscuit… I was doing this...
Weight Loss Coach