
Have you seen incredible transformation pictures on the internet and you think that wow, if I just could do the same? 

You maybe even know somebody who have had success and you wonder how that is possible?


Problem in 2019 is social media and unrealistic expectations. To be successful you see from TV Biggest Loser and some other unrealistic programs or some other coaches promote their coaching programs with transformation pictures what are almost impossible.


You might have some overweight and you think that until you have lost third of your bodyweight, you are not successful. Losing 25% of your body weight would be still acceptable but anything less would be “disappointment”.


It is the same if my goal is to become a runner and I would determine my success by qualifying Boston marathon. For me, at the age of 37, it would mean to be able to run a marathon under 3hours 5 minutes. That goal is not really likely to happen. I am smart enough to understand that goal in unrealistic but would that stop me from practicing to become a better runner? 


Would you quit running if success were determined only by qualifying Boston marathon? That is a goal only 12% of marathoners are able to run. No need to mention all other runners who will never run a single marathon.


Would you just let it be and forget your dream to become a better runner if you see that you are not able to reach time to qualify? That would be really a shame to quit before you see all other health benefits and improving the quality of your life what you will get from running even if you are running slowly.


Yet when it comes to weight loss in 2019, seems like everybody wants to qualify for Boston marathon. Social media is full of unrealistic success stories and everything else is disappointment. 


What if you would think differently with your weight loss journey, like becoming a runner, and you would just do your best? Giving your own best possible effort without feeling pressure to qualify for marathon. You have your own realities like, genetics, responsibilities with your job and family. You can’t compare your situation with somebody else. You and your situation in life is unique. 


Think weight loss like you would try to become a better runner. To become a runner you understand that you must start slowly and do little by little more. If you start with too much, your knees and body are hurting and you don’t want to continue. 


But still with weight loss you want to start like you want to run a marathon next week or month. I am sure you understand realities when it comes to becoming a runner. Actually long term weight loss is not different.


The key to having long term success in weight loss is actually liking the life and diet you are living with while you are losing weight. 


Small changes with your diet and habits, one at a time. Like with running you might try to run 5 min longer or a bit faster every time. Once you repeat constantly these actions, you will be surprised about the outcome. Anything is possible.


Remember that your efforts are not always the same. There are times that you are more motivated or you have more time. If you want to have a long-term success, you must be realistic and accept that it will not always be perfect. The key is to do your best possible effort on challenging situations like holidays, birthdays or other parties. 


The truth is that once you keep trying to do your best possible effort, you will reach a point where you can ́t happily live any better. You can’t eat any less or workout more without sacrificing your happiness. As a result, your weight what you have living this way, is your best possible weight. 


In every other area in your life, you accept the truth that doing your best possible efforts is great success, you must accept it also with your weight and health too.


To become the best possible version of yourself.

Weight Loss Coach