High Intensity Interval Training for beginners – is high intensity training safe for seniors?
Your ultimate guide how to start High Intensity Training
What is High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) meaning?
Shortly it is about a short period of intense work with a short period of break. With a hectic lifestyle it has become a popular way to exercise because you can have effective workout in a short time. I must commit that personally I am a huge fan of High Intensity Interval Training and have used it for hundreds of clients successfully in the past 5 years.
Is HIIT possible for older people?
Definitely, it is possible for any fitness level and all age groups. The best thing is that you can moderate every exercise for your level and you are only competing against yourself. For older people it is not recommended to jump or do too intense training because of general aches, pain and joints. Also recovery is a lot longer than for someone in their 20 ́s. But through variations it is possible for every age group and in the end you can adjust your intensity with your fitness level.
How is HIIT Training looking like?
There are many forms of HIT, basically it is a form of circuit training when you are working out for example first legs and while legs are recovering you are working arms. This way your heart beat is staying up and you have higher intensity. At the same time you work your cardiovascular system. You save a lot of time when you don’t need to do all exercises for your muscles and after running for another 30 minutes. You can combine muscle exercises with running sprints or jumping if you are able to and want to get your heart beat up. It is important to understand that in order to do High Intensity Training you don’t need to do sprints, run or jump. For some it is enough to perform for example squats and push ups after each other and your heart beat is already up.
Why is HIIT so effective?
The whole idea of High Intensity Training is to bring your body out of your comfort zone. It is working with all forms of exercising, if you combine two or more different exercises for different muscles with short breaks in between, your muscles have enough time to recover while you are performing other exercise. When legs are resting, you can do arm or core exercise and when you have only short breaks in between, you are also training your cardiovascular system.
How to make HIIT when running?
If you are going to run, in the beginning is running an effective workout for example for fat loss but once you become an efficient runner. Running is easier but it will not be anymore powerful for your goals if you do it the same way.
If you want to see more results in the same or even less time, you need to bring your body out of your comfort zone.
If running is your thing, do at least once a week HIIT Training while you are running. It is called also Interval Running.
For example run 1 minute as fast as you can, walk or run really slowly next minute.
The key is to vary your way to practice. Not doing the same things repeatedly.
Is High Intensity Training dangerous?
If you are a normal healthy person and the doctor hasn’t told you to avoid some form of exercises, you are good to go with High Intensity Training. You must just adjust your exercises and intensity what are possible for your level. Especially in the beginning it is better to start even a bit too slow and add intensity a bit later. Also adding a bit more recovery time is recommended in the beginning.
Things to remember:
High Intensity Training is not a race. You are only competing against yourself and trying to get better. What others are doing, should not interest you.
High Intensity Training should be a challenging workout. You will go to your limits and when you are doing that, it will bring you remarkable results already in a short time. You will feel the difference already after a couple weeks when you are not tired when going up the stairs or you do some other daily activities. But that is the idea of High Intensity workout, doing as effective as possible workout in a short time.
If you don’t like to challenge yourself, it is totally fine. You can choose some other activities like walking if you prefer that.
If you are interested, you can always come to try High Intensity Workout for my courses or let me help you to create your individual program with my Online Training.
I am always trying to find alternate exercises for every level that workout is possible to make with all different levels. If you don’t like it, no worries, there are so many other things you can choose.
Here are some my example workouts, you can start your HIIT workouts already today:
Beginner HIIT https://www.instagram.com/tv/B0AhyC_lX3Z/
All levels HIIT https://www.instagram.com/p/B5A0ZDZo7Wn/
All levels HIIT https://www.instagram.com/p/B4M0v_FIZWn/
Towel at home HIIT https://www.instagram.com/p/B3pGjKjofCD/
All levels HIIT https://www.instagram.com/p/B0yR_UXIvfG/
Running HIIT Program https://www.instagram.com/p/BzN-Q21In48/
Beginner without jumping HIIT https://www.instagram.com/tv/BuLphH-omYx/
Hardcore HIIT https://www.instagram.com/tv/BurAXZToeb2/
At home 4×4 HIIT https://www.instagram.com/tv/Bti6AfeolcC/