You are looking how to find workout motivation? You would like to do it but there is always something happening in life?
Especially if you have had a bit longer break from your last workout, starting to workout can be challenging. You just don’t feel like starting it and you are moving start week after week. You are not alone.
In this article you will learn simple ways to find workout motivation and get started working out even if you don’t have a lot of time. You will also learn how to maintain workout motivation after a good start.
Before we get started, I want to introduce myself. My name is Turo, I am an Online Personal Trainer and have been lucky to help hundreds of people to create new, sustainable lifestyles, get work done also in a days when you don’t feel like it and get life lasting results. My coaching is not for you if your goal is to fix everything in 4 weeks in an unsustainable way by dieting and working out in a way that you can´t keep for a longer time.
How to find workout motivation and time:
How to find workout motivation and how you should start?
You are tempted to start doing too much, too quickly. If you have had a longer break, my recommendation is not to do more than 3 workouts per week. Even less is totally ok. Instead of trying to be perfect for a short time, try to be consistent with what you decide to do. Set a goal, for example 2 to 3 bodyweight workouts, 30-60 minutes each for the next 4 weeks. After 4 weeks, you see how it was and you can adjust time or amount of workouts. If you still feel like it, you can do more.
Focus on only one thing. If your motivation is really low, start with something easy. So easy that you don’t even feel like it is a workout. Changing your clothes. Tying your running shoes or doing one push up. Just take action. Do that for first weeks. Obviously you will not get shape of your life but more importantly you are creating habit for yourself. Once you get started, it is a lot easier to continue action. Taking some kind of action, consistently, is the only way to get more motivation. Because more action you take, more results you will see and ultimately results will lead to more motivation.
How to find workout motivation and time:
When is the right time to start working out?
If you find yourself waiting for “the perfect” time or when motivation is higher you might be in a point that you must do something. After holidays or when life seems to be settled and your routines are back to normal and you think it is time to start to do it again.
Starting from zero again.
I see this pattern every year. September is busy, slowing down towards Christmas and after new year, motivation is there again. Month by month less, until the weather is getting warmer and in April you recognize that summer is coming and you want to be in shape for summer.
If this is you, is there something you could do to change your pattern?
It is normal that there are days and times that your motivation will be lower. The key is to go through these times. Instead of taking breaks, you can adjust your efforts.
Remember that it doesn’t have to be always perfect. Even a little bit is better than nothing. Power lies in doing something. When you don’t feel like doing workout, change your clothes at least and tie your running shoes.
If you still feel like not doing anything, that is totally ok. You did at least something even on a day when you didn’t feel like it.
If you are waiting for “the perfect” time to start and when motivation is high, you will never see success you would like.
The question isn’t whether or not you´ll stay motivated or always find time to workout.
Regardless of how much you want , it won’t happen.
It is impossible to stay motivated for anything. You want to be happy every day, but you won’t be.
If you are too busy and just can’t find motivation and time to workout. Is it better to take a workout break?
You are living a real life where things happen. You or your family member will get sick. You will have stress at work. In short, there will always be something that is trying to stop you from working out.
It is always a lot easier to find an excuse why you must take a break. It is kind of a relief for yourself when you say that I take a break now and continue when .. dad gets out of hospital.. when work is not that crazy anymore..
But ask yourself what you will be doing next time when something is happening in your life? When you lose motivation? Are you always taking a short break? What usually will be longer than you initially thought?
There is a way to handle this. Instead you take a break, you will do a bit less. Just a few minutes or whatever is possible for you. Regardless of what is happening in your life, you keep taking action.
Lack of consistency is the biggest reason why you are still chasing your goals.
When you make the decision to be consistent, whether or not you are motivated. That is when you start to succeed way more than you ever dreamed.
How to find workout motivation and time:
- If you feel like you never have time, take on Sunday evening your calendar and write down appointments for yourself when you workout. These appointments are not negotiable like some other important meetings you have. This is time for you and your health. 5-10 minute bodyweight workout after getting up from bed. 2 mobility exercises on lunch break. Choice is yours. But important is to take action, even if it is temporarily less than you would like. If you are really busy, the truth is that unless you change something, your situation will not get better. There will be times in life that you don’t have time for your fitness. And that is totally ok. Just accept it that at the moment your own health is not a priority and stop complaining. You will always find a few minutes of time for something that is important to you.
- Make a plan of what you will do. When you don’t have a lot of time, knowing what and when will help you not only to save time but also work on goals that are important to you. If you are not sure what you should be doing, ask some professional help.
- Get someone who is holding you accountable. A family member, friend or coach who is looking after you and making sure that you do things you must do also on days when you don’t feel like it.
- Positive social support. This is like your personal cheerleaders who lift you up when you need it. Talk with your loved ones that they support you during your journey.
- Why are you doing this? Ask yourself this question and take some time before you give the answer. You must find your answer deep from your heart. If the doctor is saying you must lose weight, that is not coming from your heart and it is not enough. Think more. You might come up with the idea that you want to be able to bend your knees to play with your children or your partner doesn’t want to go to bed with you anymore. You have found your why.
- Instead of making some numeric weight loss or other goal, make a consistency goal. Because you can’t control how fast (or slow) your progress will be. The only thing you can control is consistency. Ruthlessly aim to stay consistent 80% of time. It would mean that in a month you will stay consistent with your workouts or nutrition for at least 23 days. You can take a pen and mark a circle to your calendar on days when you were consistent and red cross for days when not.
Thank you for reading this article, I hope you learned something from it. If you need any help, I am always here to help you.
I wish you all the best for your journey!
P.S. If you want to make fitness your priority, consider my Online Training as an option. I will create a program with equipment and time you have to invest your health and make sure that you do things you need to do also in days when you don’t feel like it.
I would be more than happy to chat with you and see if I can help you. Send me email to